Pawel Anaszkiewicz
KAYAK, 2007-2009
The piece consists of simultaneous projections of three videos in loops, in three TV screens placed one above another. The video in the middle shows everyday scene in the home interior and is framed by the video-images of the prows of the kayak in the water and in front of the scenery of the road. The symmetrical space of the interior, suggesting a temple, the interruprtions of aerial shots of the kayak on the move and the opera soundtrack refer to the notion of the sacred.
The video-object KAYAK, was presented in one-man show Transfer of the Instants, in the Contemporary Cell of the University of Claustro de Sor Juana (Mexico City, 2007) and in the collective exhibition Explorer, in the LAZNIA Contemporary Art Center (Gdañsk, Poland, 2009).