Pawel Anaszkiewicz
HAY 2, 2016

Photo of the installation in the CARRILLO GIL Museum of Art
The video-installation Hay 2, in its version for the CARILLO GIL Museum of Art in Mexico City, is composed of a video projection with no sound, in vertical format, approximately 250 cm high, of sheaves ruffled by the wind. This is projected over a structure made of packs of hay. The video has three sequences of images of the same sheaf swaying. On the first image we see the sheaf in full, on the second there’s the same image repeated in four frames and the third one is unfolded in twelve. The piece confronts the virtual images of the sheaves moved by the wind with real packs of hay what can work as an allegory for pixels, digital units of the image that always fall short in resolution when compared to reality.
Technique: Video in loop, stored in the USB memory, projected in in the structure made of 10 packs of hay.
Apoximate dimensions of the piece: 250 cm x 160 cm x 120 cm.
Video-installation Hay 2 was presented in the one-man show Haystack in the CARILLO GIL Museum of Art, Mexico City, 2017-18.
This work was produced with help of National Fund for Culture and Arts of Mexico - 2015.